Thursday, October 3, 2013

Get involved in sex education

It’s kind of obvious that we participate in every momento in our children education. With our attitude and our speech we pass on different messages that influent the construction of their own identity. Regadreless of our own educational methodologies, it’s very important to be actively involved in the process, especially in sex education issues. This means that we should be very receptive to children questions, and hold a responsible attitude towards. It’s good to establish at home a nice environment, that allows them to trust in our answers because if they won’t get a trustable answer, or even any answers at all, they will ask anywhere else until they get to the information.

 We should keep in mind, that when a child ask a question aloud, he/she is well prepared to know an answer. A positive attitude is to face and answer these questions honestly, with real information. We must use the right vocabulary to name all body organs, because “penis” and “vulva” shouldn’t offend anybody. If we make our explanation simple, true and believable, children will certainly understand. We can learn from our own experience, that true stories are more reliable.

Children notice that people’s body changes a lot: it grows in height, hair start growing in people legs, genitals and men faces, women brest change their shape, and hips get wider…Old people also look different, with  white hair, or no hair at all…This kind of elements raise doubts. In addition, other doubts are arising from society issues, such as familu structures, couples, gender stereotypes, etc…

It’s useful to be ready to receive classical questions as “Where babies come from?”,   but also we should know that children minds are unpredictable and they can ask anything related with sexuality. So don’t panic! If you don’t know what to say, just relax, breath. Take your time to think and answer. But if you really don’t know, tell him/her that you are not sure about that matter, invite him/her to look for the information together: “What an interesting question! I’m not sure how does it works, why don’t we look together for the answer?”.

Most of the questions that shows up, will not have scientific right or wrong answers (all questions that are not concerned in human biology topics), such as “What love is?”, “Why can’t we get married Dad?”. Whe should take some time to think and reflect on our opinions in different situations, in order to have a well-established position for the future.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hello and be welcome to my sex education blog!

My name is Tali Korytnicki, I’m a spanish native speaker, and as a certified sexual educator I focus my work in kindergarten children –guiding workshops in schools and writing articles in local magazines. I have a blog in this subject in Spanish but I want to enlarge readers, so I’m doing my best effort to translate it.

Children sexuality has long been hidden, but fortunately nowadays people can speak out loud about it. We can quote the World Health Organization (WHO) “Sexual health” definition: " Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence."

To educate our kids in this matter is very important, but sometime as adults we find it hard. We may find many questions about the right information to give, the right things to say, the vocabulary, etc. We do have the responsibility to overcome those obstacles in the way, and find our own point of view in each situation we face. If we think over certain topics in advance, we would be better prepared.

We all have the right to receive sex education. It is part of a dynamic learning proces which promotes integral human development, and contributes to the social development of the community. Sex education promotes the internalization of values ​​related to men and women roles in society, without determined stereotypes, in a framework of equity. It also promotes self-care, and respect for the diversity.

Finally I encourage you to be an active part of this project with you opinions and points of view.


P.S: I apologize for my english level!